Hackettstown Chiropractor Dr. Peter Murray

Dr. Pete Murray
“I have to tell you, my first experience with chiropractic was not my choice,” recalls Dr. Pete Murray. Like many of you, the thought of a doctor adjusting my spine was unsettling because I did not know what to expect! This is how it went – I was 12 years old and, one day while riding my dirt bike, I crashed and injured my neck. I could not turn my head and my shoulder felt like it was glued to my ear. The next day, my mom took me to her chiropractor.
“I was amazed,” notes Dr. Pete. Within hours after the adjustment, I felt such relief. Results do speak for themselves and I was sold. That injury was a blessing in disguise! “From that point on, I have been fortunate enough to receive the health benefits of chiropractic.”
Through his high school years, Dr. Pete continued his successful motocross racing career with frequent chiropractic adjustments. After graduating, he sought and received a degree in optometric sciences. Dr. Pete worked in the optometric field for a few years but, felt unfulfilled. “I’ve always had a desire to help others and felt I could do more and that’s when I decided to become a chiropractor! I wanted to share my personal success with natural, chiropractic care and do something I truly loved and believed in.”
A Chiropractic Education
Dr. Murray went back to school and completed his pre-chiropractic requirements which included inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, and physics, along with basic to advanced physiology and anatomy courses. He was then accepted at Life Chiropractic College in Marietta, Georgia.
During his four years at Life, courses included biochemistry, nutrition, with a major emphasis on anatomy and human physiology, neurology, pathology, micro biology, radiology, x-ray physics, differential diagnosis, orthopedics, neurologic testing, physical therapy, extremity and chiropractic adjusting techniques. Patient care was also a big part of the curriculum at the Life Chiropractic Public Clinic. Dr. Pete was further tested and certified by the National Chiropractic Board and Physical Therapy National Board. Additionally, after graduating in 1992, Dr. Pete became NJ State Board Certified and returned to the Hackettstown, NJ area to establish his practice.
On a Personal Note…
Dr. Murray is married to Alison. In his personal time, he enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, gardening and, small game hunting with his dogs, two English Springer Spaniels. His motorcycle days are far from over – he loves touring on roads less traveled and is an accomplished, extreme long distance motorcycle rider. He has completed numerous rides few in this world would attempt.
Dr.Pete makes sure he is adjusted at least once a week. He exercises with his wife in their home gym doing cardio vascular training as well as weight resistance training. “Without chiropractic adjustments, I just wouldn’t be able to enjoy everything I do!”
When patients come to my office, they can expect professional and courteous care. We have three clear objectives: first, identify the underlying cause of your problem; second, prescribe an appropriate treatment plan to correct and prevent further occurrences; third, orientate you about the vast health benefits of chiropractic care. “I make it a point to explain everything in advance, answer questions and attempt to over communicate. Patients appreciate that.”
“Well, enough about me! Thanks for visiting our site. How can we help you with today’s safe and natural chiropractic care? Give us a call or email me so we can help you take the first step towards better health.”